April 6, 2023
Vote Bill Motion Yeas Nays
126 HB2 relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. Adopt Floor Amendment 326 63
127 HB2 relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. Adopt Floor Amendment 190 199
128 HB2 relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. Adopt Floor Amendment 199 187
129 HB2 relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. Adopt Floor Amendment 191 197
130 HB2 relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. Adopt Floor Amendment 128 259
131 HB2 relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. Adopt Floor Amendment 167 222
132 HB74 relative to an employee's unused earned time. OTP 205 181
133 HB250 relative to the accidental death benefit payable to a group II member. OTPA 328 53
134 HB337 relative to directing the office of professional licensure and certification to provide notice of public meetings and an opportunity for comment from the public. OTP 387 0
135 HB430 relative to applications for the education freedom accounts program. ITL 194 192
136 HB534 relative to water assistance for natural disasters. ITL 191 196
137 HB626 requiring the department of education to administer the education freedom account. ITL 195 194
138 HB639 relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor. OTPA 272 109